zone de bureaux en verre avec arbres au milieu

our services


To establish a growth strategy that best corresponds to the reality of your company, its size, its resources, its means and its general strategic plan, you will need to assess your company's needs. Before moving up a gear, we must ensure we have the structure to get there. It is necessary to establish a strategic plan to determine the speed of the desired growth. It is also required to assess the optimization of existing operations before embarking on ambiJous growth plans.


Mergers & acquisitions are complements to a well-established organic growth strategy.
M&A must be well-planned and researched. Before developing an acquisition strategy, an in-depth knowledge of the industry, markets and the competitive and economic contexts is crucial. Acquisitions are a process; depending on the industry's nature, we must always put the human factor and culture at the forefront, and this is even more true in-service industries.

Geographic expansion

Whether domestic or international, conquering a new market always involves many risks. Dalaroy Conseil helps you recruit the right individuals, implement the right processes, and adopt the technological tools best suited to the coveted markets.

Vertical and horizontal integration

Integration, or convergence, represents an increasingly common tool for consolidating a company's position in a market. Vertical or horizontal, it must correspond to a clearly defined strategy and answer the following question: do we want to diversify our activities or build on our strengths?


We help boards of directors and their committees meet the challenges inherent to their crucial role. We aim to strengthen the bridge between investors, management, and directors, helping them adapt to changing expectations and regulations.
DALAROY Conseil ardently believes that seeing up an advisory committee or a board of directors, even very early in the life of a company, is an essential step in gaining experience, being challenged, and focusing on young entrepreneurs.


Private, often family-owned companies must carefully plan their succession, which usually involves professionalizing the executive team to reach new heights.


Supporting young entrepreneurs who are the driving force of our economy is at the center of DALAROY Conseil's concerns. We help them in their need for financing and access to our local and global networks. Implement best practices sooner rather than later while maintaining the agility and creativity that make these young companies the companies of tomorrow. DALAROY Conseil has supported several young companies to establish themselves by finding investors, financing, seeing up advisory committees, etc.

blue buildings angle blue sky


Nous aidons les conseils d’administration et leurs comités à relever les défis inhérents à leur rôle crucial. Notre objectif consiste à renforcer le pont entre investisseurs, direction et administrateurs, en aidant ces derniers à s’adapter aux attentes et à aux réglementations changeantes.  
DALAROY Conseil croit ardemment que mettre en place un comité aviseur ou un conseil d’administration, même très tôt dans la vie d’une entreprise, est une étape importante pour aller chercher l’expérience, se faire challenger et focuser les jeunes entrepreneurs.

mentorat de jeunes entrepreneurs

students writing on a board

pour soutenir la relève, il faut s’investir.

L'accompagnement des jeunes entrepreneurs qui sont le moteur de notre économie est au centre des préoccupations de DALAROY Conseil. Nous les accompagnons dans leur besoin de financement, accès à nos réseaux locaux et globaux. Mettre en place les meilleures pratiques tôt plutôt que tard tout en gardant l'agilité et la créativité qui font de ces jeunes pousses les sociétés de demain. DALAROY Conseil a accompagné plusieurs jeunes entreprises à s'établir en trouvant des investisseurs, du financement, mettre en place des comités aviseurs, etc etc.

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